The Original Soundtrack from the Game “Chef Life : A Restaurant Simulator” is Out on every digital platforms, since March 22nd, 2023.
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It’s a mix of happy funky tracks, mixed with kitchen sounds.
With Live Groovy/Slappy Bass lines on most of them !
If you like the bass tone and want to learn how to play it,
Here’s a playback video with the Tabs. I used a Sire V7, but it should work on any JB style Bass.
If you have questions about the puns in the tracklist,
Most of the time it’s a mix between an inspiring artist and something about kitchen :
– Cory-andre (A mix of Cory Wong & Coriandre)
(and btw it’s also inspired from Burger Quizz opening)
– Cannelloni Lofi (Very explicit!)
– Chili Chill Impro ( Red Hot Chili Peppers, but it’s chill )
(I’m a huge fan, and the track “Poster Child” was out at that time ! Love it !)
– La Crème Fonky Fraîche ( Better than Sour cream, and french pronunciation of Funk)
– Animal Cooking (Animal Crossing)
– M. Happy Funk (Mister HP Funk, (The way you should pronounce H-Pi) )
– Jean-Michel Blanquette ( The famous french veal stew – Jean Michel Blanquer, a rather silly and unapreciated french politic)
– Florent Pain de Mie (Florent Pagny / Sliced Bread)
– Mozza Styx (You Know the Goblin, don’t you ?)
-Nouma Nouille Ramen (Same chord progression than Dragosta din Tei, so you can sing “Numa Nouille Ramen” at 1:30)
– Cuisson Blue (Bleu, raw meat, and Bluesy)
– Freak Haché (Steak Haché, Fricassée, and syncopated song)
(and again, very inspired by RHCP early days, Freaky Styley)